TransJam - Jammin' on the Web!





WebDrum II

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Download and Play WebDrum II

The original WebDrum was written by Phil Burk around 1997. WebDrum II was written around 2002.

It used to run as a Java Applet in the web browser. But browsers no longer support Java. So now the only way to run it is by downloading the JAR file and running it as a desktop application.

Multi-player drum box v2.9

Download the v2.9 executable JAR file: WebDrum_20240704.jar


  1. Download the JAR file above.
  2. Locate the file on your computer then Right-click or Control-click the JAR file and select Open. The first time you run it you will get a warning that the app is not signed. That is normal.
  3. Click the Open button.
  4. If you cannot open the JAR file then you will need to install Java from Oracle. Learn more... Then try again to open it.
  5. (After you run it the first time, you can run it again just by double clicking the JAR file.)
  6. Enter your name or a nickname. Hit Login button...
  7. Create a new room, or enter an existing room if available...
  8. You are now running the piece and can interact with anyone else who logs into that room.

How to Play

  • Click the [OWN] button to gain control over a drum that someone else owns. Then you can edit that drum.
  • To turn on or off drum beats, click on the blue boxes in the grid.
  • To turn on or off notes in a melody, click on a column in the melody grid. Only one note per column may be selected. To turn off a note, click on it.
  • Type in the text field at the bottom of the Chat Window and hit [Enter] to chat with other performers.

For historical interest, visit the original non-working Applet

TransJam, JSynTM and the WebDrum are products of (C) 1997