TransJam - Jammin' on the Web!





WebDrum II

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WebDrum II

The WebDrum is a multi-player drum machine. You can play alone or with other people. Just log in and join a group or wait for someone else to join you.

The sounds are produced using JSyn - a Java Audio Synthesis API.
The communication between Applets is provided by the TransJam server.

WebDrum is a Java Applet. We used to be able to run these in the web browser. But that is no longer supported in most browsers. So we now provide both the Applet and an executable JAR file.

  • Click here for instructions on Downloading the JAR file.
  • Or click here to Run the WebDrum Applet and start jamming!
  • If you notice ANY problems, or have suggestions, then please contact us.

    TransJam, JSynTM and the WebDrum are products of (C) 1997